The building blocks "of seeing", that we are being taught, are extremely crucial to success of my education here at Hallmark. And in the midst of that I am experiencing all these feelings/emotions. Wading through them is ................! (I'll let you fill in the blank because whatever you put there would probably describe it.)
I am waking in the night with ideas for photo's. I am dreaming at night of pictures and me photographing them. I am being surrounded by creative people who are pushing and pulling us in a healthy tension. It is forcing me to think and forcing me to create. None of these things have ever happened to me before. And I am loving it.
This week our assignments included photographing colour, lines and outdoor portraits. We also received our digital backs for our Mamiya 645. To the right is one first images I took with it.
Yesterday, A photographer (Michael Yamashita)from National Geographic was here. He has had 3-4 stories published in the Magazine in resent years and is being commissioned by them to do more. He worked on a story about Marco Polo for 2 years. To hear about and see his work was amazing.
So, all in all it has been a great week.
Until next week. Peter