What a great word!
Expectation would be a meaning I would put with it. To ANTICIPATE. To look forward to. What is around the corner? What"s next? Of course all of you are Anticipating my next blog
So.... What I am I Anticipating? Deep question. Wouldn't you say? Most of us would reflect on this and would be thinking about, Career, A new House, Vacation, or a Move. But I am going in a different direction. ***Creative Anticipation***
What I am thinking about creatively? Where is my creativity going to take me? When I am photographing a subject. I often don't have a specific parameters in mind. Just a few guidelines. So many times when creating an image the outcome will be......."not defined yet". I am sort of going with a creative flow which can be painful at times. There is an excitement that comes with this. I love it. I don't know what is around the next corner. What is going to inspire me next? A snowflake? A bad dream? The way I saw my son looking at me? Late afternoon sunlight spilling in though a window? Rascal Flatts? Lego? (These are just a few of influences right now)
(let me indulge you with a few I am coming up with as I write) Green peppers. Sex. Dust Masks. Finger Nails. Old Movies. Maple Syrup, Cowboy Boots. Men of the Cloth. Art. Firemen.
I love it! What is next? I don't know. Where is this all going? Creative inspiration! Anticipation!
Creative Anticipation!
Do you know the feeling?
It is like going to the mailbox and not knowing what is there. Maybe you finally won publishers clearance house.
Or How about, When your wife comes around the corner and has that glint in her eye and you know what is next.
And who could forget "Christmas morning".
After nine months of pregnancy finding out Boy? or Girl?
That feeling is what it is like for me when creating my images. What a great life we/I get to live!
BUT... What happens when when this "Anticipation" lets you down. And does not produce the results you wanted or expected. How many times do I have an idea that is *s*h*i*t*. More than I can remember. Dust off, feel, and remember how terrible it is and move on to the next idea. For me it is all part of the creative process.
The pictures are of my friend Dave H. A good looking fellow. Thanks Dave!
(Sorry about the layout blogger and me have a love hate relationship)
Peter Eisses