Saturday, September 8, 2007

the begining

So, here I am. My first week at hallmark complete.  
On September 5 , 2007 my journey  began. 
I walked into the building and had to pinch myself.  
It was difficult for me to hold back my emotion.
This really is happening!!! I had to pinch myself.
I remember the my very first photo and when I told myself that photography is what I wanted to do.  I guess it is never to late to get the ball rolling.
My class is composed of 230 people from 41 states and 9 countries. 
Women outnumber the men 2 to 1. We range in age from 16 to 60. 
This is going  to be an interesting time with a lot of information being tossed my way.
This will be my last real free week-end till graduation, on June 20. Officially we start on Monday. My first class is at 8, Intro. digital imaging
So. Why am I blogging this part of my life? Partly selfish. ( so I don't have e-mail all of you that are interested, Because I will not have time) and it will be a good way for me to track my own progress. I am going to try to do this once a week and I will try to post a picture of the week. So, enjoy the journey with me and I look forward to your coments.
Peter E

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Saweeet. Glad your making this. Can't wait to touch base often here to hear about your progress/ and see you work.