Sunday, September 30, 2007


Inspiration surrounds me, holds me, captivates me, frustrates me, wakes me, loses me, and shakes me. Being taught "to see" is exciting. Yet, seeing and then translating to film is a another story. 
The building blocks "of seeing", that we are being taught, are extremely crucial to success of my education here at Hallmark. And in the midst of that I am experiencing all these feelings/emotions. Wading through them is ................! (I'll let you fill in the blank because whatever you put there would probably describe it.)
I am waking in the night with ideas for photo's. I am dreaming at night of pictures and me photographing them. I am being surrounded by creative people who are pushing and pulling us in a healthy tension. It is forcing me to think and forcing me to create. None of these things have ever happened to me before. And I am loving it.
This week our assignments included photographing colour, lines and outdoor portraits. We also received our digital backs for our Mamiya 645. To the right is one first images I took with it. 
Yesterday, A photographer  (Michael Yamashita)from National Geographic was here. He has had 3-4 stories published in the Magazine in resent years and is being commissioned by them to do more. He worked on a story about Marco Polo for 2 years. To hear about and see his work was amazing.
So, all in all it has been a great week.
Until next week. Peter


Unknown said...

Can you keep the photo archived with each entry.. Or do they replace each time...?

ebcarey said...

Peter! Great stuff. Thanks for sharing, not only about what you are doing, but the processes within you. Glad you are excited. I'm sensing life and refreshment coming to and out of you. It's in the writing. Keep on. Love you guys!