Sunday, October 21, 2007

the power of line


Lines help us see, Lines blind
Lines lead, lines push away
Lines define, lines confuse
Lines break, lines heal
Lines are old, lines are new
Lines are black, lines are white
Lines compose
Lines compare
Lines suggest
Lines fly, dig, sink
Lines speak
Lines die, and lines LIVE.

Kinda obvious what I've been thinking about. When you are taught new things you start to see in a different light. These are just a few adjectives I came up with that I have been thinking about when it comes to seeing lines. All are important to photography. If you start asking yourself, when looking at a photo or if you are just looking,  If the line is comparing? What is it comparing to? If the line dies where does it go? If the line leads where does it take you?

One thought that has come to me while thinking about this; there is a lot of "order" out there, and things are not near as random as they appear. In my own life and life in general.

NYC is a lot fun. We as a class were there this past friday to take in the annual photo expo. To the right is a shot i got while there. Draw some mental lines while "seeing" this week and see where they take you. You might be surprised.  


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