Saturday, November 15, 2008

Celebration of Citizenship

"Seeing is believing".  As they say. 

Is that enough?

Hearing is Believing?

Touching is Believing?

Tasting is Believing?

Smelling is Believing?

Thank God for senses. They sure make life interesting!

Thai Food!



Sand paper!


AHHH its good to be alive. A dually I am. The Red White and Blue I embrace. Along with my Red Maple Leaf. I thought it would not happen. Never always comes back around and forces you into its grips. I have a list. 

But I join the throngs ( I think ) of the human race that have crossed boundaries and become another. Allowing me easier crossing, much more paper work, and a lot more responsibility. I'm up for the challenge. The verdict is still out on how my senses will respond. I have never been eating Thai food, listening to mozart, working with sand paper, with a wave of skunk ,while watching a sunrise. Maybe I should try it sometime.

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