Thursday, August 21, 2008


A young man or woman has contracted HIV and AIDS through one of many different reasons. And maybe they don't even know or want to know. ( there is a stigma that is attached to AIDS, they will often be tossed out of families and communities because of the infection)  They get married. And pass the virus on to their partner and then to their children. 

The virus will turn to full blown AIDS and if there is not access to ARV's  (anti retorial viral) they will die. Leaving the kids with either no parents, one parent, older sibling (as young as 10) , with a grandparent, or a neighbor. A pretty dismal situation.

What does an orphan do? Your guess is as good as mine. Hopefully they have someone to turn to. They have no ability to get food because they have no money.  Many are malnourished and are not developing properly. If they are able to go school they do but are hungry. ( In one of the communities we visited some kids had to walk an hour or more to get to school on empty stomachs.)

As a result many turn to crime just so they can eat. Many of the older girl orphans will sell themselves so they can eat. And if they don't have HIV and AIDS they will get it and or pass it on and often end up pregnant and the cycle starts all  over again.

If there is not someone who can fix up the place the orphans live. (broken doors, windows, etc..) They will be taken advantage of in many different ways. (One of my biggest fears is that they will end up being stolen and sold into slavery. There are hints of this coming)

I met quite a few orphans but one little girl sticks out more than others. She came up to me and was hanging on me. (Just like my kids do when they need affection) She lost her daddy and mommy was away working. I don't knows for how long or what type of work. She just needed to be held and loved. There was a longing,  a struggle, a pain, in her eyes. She has already been through much more in her short life than I have.

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