Friday, August 8, 2008



What comes to mind is bull fights, spanish music, and maybe soccer. None of these were on my mind as we spent a 15 hour lay- over there. 

We arrived in the late morning of Aug 6 and we immediately set out to explore some possibilities. The main thing we were met with .... HEAT . I was not expecting that kinda heat. Baking heat. 

But we did see a few  things. The royal palace and lots of winding cobblestone streets. Sleep deprivation set because of the overnight flight from Washington. (They don't configure airline seats for a 6 foot 3 frame like mine. Especially if there someone sitting next to you.) After about 8 hours of walking Madrids streets and sweating buckets we decided to pack it in and go and wait in the airport. All in all a wise decesion. 

Retering through security in Spain is a little intimidating. I set off the alarm and had to go through the check agian. Then they didn't like the fact that I was carrying on my tripod. But through my broken spanish and the securitiy gaurds broken english we came to a agreement that I was a photographer going to AFRICA photographing for a magazine. No harm done. 

So, we had 6 hours to explore the airport. Which is the largest airport I have been to. We also had time to catch up on sleep.

You will be able to see some images from South Africa. So keep checking back.



Voice said...

Yes, it helps knowing Spanish. More than people realize.

stephonix said...

ha! you're a famous magazine photographer. (c;

love that first that a ceiling? whatever it is, it's pretty sweet.